My dad gave me this when I was 17, just before I left for college. I wont tell you HOW long ago that was, needless to say its been a long time. Long enough that when a very good friend of mine decided to remind HIS team of it, I felt it time to remind …
February 2013 archive
Feb 20
…because for me…
…they all not only happened, but happened one right after the other, but they didn’t wait for one to stop then the next one started, they just piled up on each other, For those of you who know me personally you know that when I say, “I have no IDEA how I broke my knee …
Feb 12
Choose one please…
OK, of the following, which of these would you classify as a legitimate reason for not working, and which would be excuses? 1. i broke my knee in 6 places 2. my mom is in ICU for 3 weeks and then sent home on isolation for 3 months 3. My job relocates, resizes and re …
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