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- …And as I was saying… — 9 comments
Jun 06
As if the headline isn’t going to generate enough hate mail. But I need you to think about something for a minute: When was the last time you saw an ORIGINAL item on screen (TV or MOVIES) that was of any real quality? Now I’m a Marvel fan as well, but then you’re applauding the …
Aug 08
Naïve Sense of Entitlement. We are watching an ENTIRE generation grow up with EXACTLY this. We are watching a generation of children, raising children. These are people who were NOT out of mom’s house and yet found themselves pregnant, and now they have to raise a child when they don’t know how to care …
Jul 25
Now when I started this series I never imagined that I would post what follows, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of those who know me well enough to know some of my personal beliefs and ideas. After all, what part of a man’s life will he MOST LIKELY be using an …
Apr 20
You never win? I know I do. but then I’m reminded that the only one keeping score is you
Jul 24
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } …So I imagine that my last post wasn’t really a surprise to those of you with kids in school, but to those of you who haven’t gotten there yet… I heard what I would consider a horrible thing today, no not the royals choice of names, but unfortunately it would …
Jul 15
Quite an uproar my last post caused, if I do say so myself. Many of you thought that I waited until both my mother AND my father went home to the Lord before posting such a thing, but thats not the reason. The idea was to get you thinking! Yes I know the current …
Jul 09
…Then I read PAST the headline…. DATELINE: TODAY New York Times Journalist Katherine Campbell had a great 3 page article this morning talking about something that I have been promoting for YEARS, OK decades, but I’m trying to seem younger. Miss Campbell has come to the ASTOUNDING and amazing conclusion that mid thirty somethings (my …
Jun 26
Sorry I haven’t been around more. “Oh no here come the excuses…” Right, I can hear some of you now, heck you think I don’t READ my own email? Of course I do, and as much as this whole project is about NOT accepting excuses, not making them, and not dealing with them, I …
Apr 25
2) QUOTE: “I’m from another planet, let’s just say were neighbors.” – Klaatu, The Day the Earth Stood Still. LESSON: The world is a big place, but innovative thinking helps bring people and communities closer together. The year is 1983, I’m a freshman in college, I live in my own apartment and hour from my …
Apr 20
5) QUOTE: “Does anyone remember when we were explorers?” – Capt. Jean-Luc Picard STTNG LESSON: You got IN this situation because of your curious nature, so value your moments of discovery! When we were kids and someone said, “What do YOU want to be when you grow up?”, how many of us said, “I want …
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