Now when I started this series I never imagined that I would post what follows, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of those who know me well enough to know some of my personal beliefs and ideas. After all, what part of a man’s life will he MOST LIKELY be using …
March 2013 archive
Mar 11
I got an email the other day, and that was the gist of it: “I got a stinking accountability partner, NOW WHAT?” OK, maybe I deserved that, But I really didn’t think I put forth the feeling that it was in the act of finding an AP that would magically solve all your …
Mar 05
…and the next excuse was…
There is no next excuse, that’s what were here for, to make sure that the last excuse you used was the last one you will ever need. But its been so long and I forgot to do this, and I didn’t call that person and… Hey we all get busy, suck it up and …
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