Category: excuse


     I got an email the other day, and that was the gist of it: “I got a stinking accountability partner, NOW WHAT?”      OK, maybe I deserved that, But I really didn’t think I put forth the feeling that it was in the act of finding an AP that would magically solve all your …

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…and the next excuse was…

There is no next excuse, that’s what were here for, to make sure that the last excuse you used was the last one you will ever need. But its been so long and I forgot to do this, and I didn’t call that person and…   Hey we all get busy, suck it up and …

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Choose one please…

OK, of the following, which of these would you classify as a legitimate reason for not working, and which would be excuses? 1. i broke my knee in 6 places 2. my mom is in ICU for 3 weeks and then sent home on isolation for 3 months 3.  My job relocates, resizes and re …

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I heard a GREAT statement this afternoon…

That was so amazingly spot on target that I couldn’t believe that neither I nor any of my cohorts had ever voiced such a statement before.  The conversation was about what people will and won’t pay for, something that is always a pertinent question when dealing with businessmen. From where some folks sit, the buying …

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We Interrupt this blog to bring you the following ***SPECIAL REPORT**** GenNow and how to get the most from them!

<continued from last weeks training session> …Last time we talked about some of the challenges that are presented by the hiring of GenNOW employees. Just as a refresher then GenNOW folks are those people who graduated school, and thus received their greatest influences, within the last 7 years. Now I understand this is not how …

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the 48 laws of power – my opinions

Recently I was shown a book called the 48 laws of power, and just skimming the Table of contents it appeared more like the 48 ways of avoiding responsibility. Since this is JUST another way to make up an excuse I thought I might give you a glimpse here!   Never Outshine the Master           …

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DO NOT make THIS excuse…

My son is enrolled in a great summer camp, they have movies, and bowling and swimming and all kinds of really neat activities, matter of fact mom and I want to go. But I noticed something the other day, that on one hand I almost wish I hadn’t. See Charlie attends a private school and …

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Making Progress or Excuses?

We were planning an upcoming event that revolves around my son last night and about the half way point through our discussion I was suddenly reminded that as much as she and I try and include our son in so many things we do, when we were growing up this was something that would not …

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Honesty, whether your advertising youreself, your business or….

One of our regular readers hit us up with the following: “I’ve been ‘practicing’ my presentation that I use with my clients, but somehow tit is not coming across as “genuine” to me. As someone who promotes a specific ethical stance this doesn’t seem to be representing complete transparency, am I not being honest? ” …

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‘Nuff Said!

One of my favorite writers/publishers of all time would end all his editorials with the statement “‘Nuff Said.” Essentially telling the world that what he has said is all that NEEDS to be said. In that vein I give you the following:  

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